
My responsibly-written point of view on bleisure, branding, career, corporate communications, entertainment, journalism, leadership, management, public relations, social media

How to end things …

It’s been almost six years since I last wrote here.

Too many things happened already.

Not just to me but to anyone anywhere in the world (ex. pandemic).

I don’t think blogging is still relevant now considering all the apps that are out there.

But I started as a journalist. I write. I edit.

I may have transitioned to corporate work, beat the s*** out of power trippers and uncooperative collaborators and unruly stakeholders.

I celebrated genuine collaboration and real teamwork.

I strategized, planned, and executed throughout crises I’ve dealt with on behalf of the organizations I’ve been with or represented in my corporate career so far.

But my strength still lies in my journalistic background — not just the writing and editing; but the discipline, integrity, tenacity that comes with the profession. And as a former people manager told me, being a journalist is in my DNA. Even if I am no longer a practicing journalist, the values I have will sustain me where ever I go.

Thus, to start again means I’m ending this blog through this post — this post I wrote and edited a couple of times to express what I am feeling now (talk about being a journalist!)

So, I will start again.

For my personal healing — physically and figuratively.

For my continuous professional growth.

Until then, I wish you all good health, more wealth, and above all, peace.

Good bye for now.

Written by Lynda

September 1, 2022 at 12:00 am